Originally Posted by ilovemypets1988
the reason for me asking about the setup is;
i was just wondering if u were using the following due to the eye problem:
hides and paper towels (apart from the obvious heat and so on)
or if you used some decorations.
as i would think that using decoration (no matter how soft) would irritate the eye and inevitably make it worse due to the rubbing of it through exploration.
He's on newspaper, has two simple hides and water.
The only snake I own that has actual "decorations" is my BRB...she's like a ninja. All the other snakes have it nice and simple; hides. I guess my JCP has something to perch on, but that is about it.
Originally Posted by Dehlida
I got in a snake with eyes looking extremely similar to the one above. We gave him extremely high humidity and frequent soaks. Within a couple sheds he was looking much much better.
Glad to hear! I hope his eye recovers; 2 different vets and a number of untrained eyes thought it was "toast." I will remain optimistic until there is no eye...and then he'll just be a stereotypical pirate snake, arrrr!