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Old 06-23-11, 07:12 AM   #11
slainte mhath
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Re: Super Bummed :(

Originally Posted by brylecc1989 View Post
In the US it is extremely common, going as far as even walmarts and supermarkets drug test. Which leads me to my response to those that said it should have been expected. I am yet to find a decent job that doesnt test. I would much rather have the peace of mind of a job that doesnt, but they are few and far between if yuo want to make a decent living. Shaun- Even if i smoked on the job, which i DO NOT, i put no one at risk. Like is said in my original post, i knew some of you would react this way, and i dont feel that you are "wrong." The company has a right to do whatever they want. It just grinds my gears becasue i do not deserve to be terminated, pot smoker or not. I can be real, i smoke just about everyday, but not before work. And it does not effect my ability to do my job duties. Again, no ones opinion is wrong, i think it is societies stigma against marijuana in general that is wrong. Marijuana was illegalized because hemp farmed by mexicans was threatening the white man ran lumber business in the 30s. Thus began the slabnder campaign of weed makes black men rape white woman, reefer madness etc. I feel like im being prosecuted solely because some rich dead white men could get richer almost 100 years ago. Urghh DAM THE MAN. I appreciate all your inputs and sympathies.

my apology's if i came across as accusing you of smoking at work that was NOT my intention

i was merely curious as to if anyone could have been deemed in physical danger by your employer

as said in my post i have no issues with weed smokers mate

i recently had a similar conversation with a friend who works heavy plant machinery.he got sacked for refusing to take a drug test.

his reason was i have done nothing wrong had no accidents so why should i be tested.

like you he agree's if he had caused a problem at work or damaged a machine then a drug test would be fair.

since he had not he protested at being considered for a test

cvheers shaun
ALWAYS judge a person by the way they treat someone who can be of NO POSSIBLE USE TO THEM !
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