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Old 05-01-11, 03:50 AM   #11
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Fort Worth
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Re: Ive never posted before so i thought id say hey.

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Isnt it typical that as soon as someone mentions owning hots they get abused

Maybe it just time to give up on this forum as the amount of aggression seems to be rising and rising, i always thought this community was going to be passionate about the care of reptiles not abusi e to each other - that helps nobody at all
I totally agree Lanky. It is getting harder and harder to ignore the REALLY harsh and rather close minded comments that are flying around. I mean "we" are driving people away by these rude comments! Here is a guy that has been wandering around the site and never posted...what happens when he decides to post for the first time? He gets yelled at for the snakes he decides to have.

To me he seemed like a pretty competent person from the different posts he made throughout the thread. And yet no matter what he did he still got blown down. It just isn't fair to these new people to meet such harsh feedback and responses right off the bat! I wouldn't be here anymore if I had been met with it.

And why should we have to put up with the rudeness and rather blunt way of putting things just because this is a public forum? Would we put up with it if someone started talking to us like that in real life? Especially from a complete stranger.

Can you tell this really pisses me off Lanky?
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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