my first snake!!
So I finally got my first snake, a 3-4 year old 4 foot ball python. He's a great snake, he ate with no problem a week after I brought him home ( he came with the tank, heaters, everything. There is so much conflicting information about care of these critters!! I'm just looking for some advice. He seems to be doing great, very curious and a sweetheart to handle.
He is in a 3.5 L 22 H 22 W glass tank, with an under tank heat pad thingy, he has a 75 W infared heat lamp, another 100(I think) W infared heat lamp, and a 75 W 'basking lamp', the 2 infareds stay on 24/7 and I turn the basking lamp on during the day to bump up the heat.
With all those lamps, his warm side stays at 80 degrees, should I get some heat tape for the warm side as well??
Also, is paper towel the best substrate? He has some wood stuff (not sure what its called) now, but I want to gut the tank, give it a good cleaning, and get whatever substrate is best for him! I heard astro turf is a great option, but would like feed back.
Here is a pic of his set up, any pointers, suggestions, info would be greatly appreciated! I want to give him the best environment possible! Thanks in advanve!!