We have a thread for our screen names, why not one for our pets.
I have 1 Black Lab named Stewart. He was named for a song by the same name by The Dead Milkmen
2 corn snakes named Tweak and Butters, named for the characters from South Park.
1 Colombian Boa Named Cap'n Squish I was going to name him Captain Morgan till I saw him squish the guts out of the first mouse that I fed him.
1 Coastal Carpet Python Named Vern. That's the name he came with, and I kind of liked it, so it stuck.
1 Jungle x Coastal carpet named Genesis. My wife named him from a video game character. Final Fantasy I believe. (I call him Mr. Happy, from a song by the same name By ICP)
1 Nicaraguan Boa Named Nina. I just liked the name. She's a sweet heart.
1.0 Aru Scrub Named Abyss. Because 1 day, after I got him, I got the feeling I was being watched. So, I turned around and was watching him, watching me, watching him......
0.1 Aru Scrub Named Amenti. My wife named her after some underworld goddess or some such thing.
Those are my stories, what are yours?