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Old 02-26-11, 02:34 AM   #11
The Scorpion Whisperer
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Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Fort Worth
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Re: question about rat breeding

Awww they look so cute! Though having 2 rats myself (two females) you are gonna want to get a MUCH bigger cage for them. Rats love multi platformed homes and you can buy some small ferret cages that have that. Also you need 2 water sources since you have 2 rats. I would also suggest either one large bowl OR two small ones. As for diet you can buy the rat pellets but it is honestly cheaper to feed them a mix of things:

- uncooked pasta
- dog food
- plain cereals like cheerios, chex, puffed rice cereal
- plain uncooked oatmeal
- some seed like you would feed wild birds
- uncooked rice
- cat food/kitten food

I feed a mixture of all of the above as a staple and include some type of "treat" like walnuts, tropical trail mix, cooked chicken bones, sweet cereal, romaine hearts...stuff like that.

Also they make GREAT bedding that isn't messy AND holds smell in fairly well, unlike newspaper. I don't really know what it is made of but it is awesome.

Oh and here are some good examples of a cage that would be large enough for 2 rats

If you have any questions let me know. I got TONS of information as I know own 2 rats and have owned several rats in the past (though never bred them)
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.

-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-
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