got a little BP to go along with nigma. today was interesting, i brought the little guy/girl home and set up his viv and put him in it and he seemed alittle stressed and puffy so i left him alone. then i look just a little while ago, prolly around 3:15am for me and both the nocturnal snakes are out and about in their cages. i went over to nigma's viv and opened the door because he was near it, and for the FIRST time ever since i've had him he smelled at me for a second then came out to me. it was the first time i've ever had to not physically reach in his viv and take him out to handle. i thought it was awesome. i snapped a few quick pics then put nigma back a few minutes ago and left them alone.
oh and i have yet to think of a name for the newcomer, i'll have to give it some thought.
/ and i need to get him some branches, lol.
/// and those books are just until i get a better lid O.o lol