I have 2 baby ball pythons. They have been very good eater until recently when 1 decided she didnt want to eat. I have the temp set in their tank at 88 degrees. I have a red bulb and a uth. I looked at them yesterday and I saw mites. I imediately started soaking them in a mix of about a dime size of dawn soap, about the same of salt and water. I soaked them for about 30 min. They were NOT happy with me. I also have newspaper in as a substrat, bleached out their enclosure, and all the furnishing. Soaked all the furnishing over night in bleach then rinsed them well. I am going to order some reptile relief? I think its called and some PAM for the enclosure. I think I got the mites from the petstore that I got the baby that doesnt want to eat right now. I have been putting them in a seperate container to feed them. Any and all advise is appreciated TY in advance