Hognose oddity
I had a starnge little surprise waiting for me in the snake room this morning. A clutch of tiny infertile eggs. Being as neither female has been mated this season I`m a little miffed. The culpret was my smaller female who is coming upto breeding size but not quite ready yet in my eyes. She`s laid seven eggs, in typical Hognose fasion ie all over the place lol All but one appear duds. Even that one must be a dud aswell because as I say, they haven`t had so much as a sniff of a male! Has anyone ever heard of "practice runs" with Hogs? I`m not quite sure why the folicle would develop into an egg without mating and at least partial fertilisation? I`m a little miffed..... Any thoughts?
(K) = Karma. Be nice, or auntie Karma will kick your butt!