This is my baby Isis she is about 3 years old. And i have had her since may 2nd 2010 she ate 3 days afer I got her and the person I got her frome loved her very much. she is a
Dumeril boas. I keep her cage about 85 to 90 on the hot side andand about 70 to 75 on the cool side and she seems to love it as she moves all over her cage at nite. Se is also a registered service animal

for me. and my sochal angzieties and she is a sweet haert unless your a mouse or small rat. I know people dont like it but she will only eat live prey. I tried frozen thawed and she did not even look at it. as soon as a live mouse was offered she gobbeled it up so live food for my girl she is like most dums I have met as well calm and well manored for a snake