childrens python...i'm new to snakes!!
Hey, just wondering about whats normal and what isnt with childrens pythons. I got mine last Tuesday (April 26th) and when I got him he was curious, touring around, fairly friendly. I did get some wrong info from the pet store about his heating, and it was pretty cool in his aquarium, but now I have it at 90 on the hot side and 80 on the cool side. His humidity is at 30-40%. He usually ate on Sundays at the pet store, and he had just upgraded to large pinkies about 2 weeks before we got him. About the last week, he has been hiding alot, no interest in food, he was almost "sneezing" every once in a while, but that since has stopped the last few days. He seemed like he couldn't open his mouth yesterday, but last night I was putting a humid hide in his cage, and woke him up and ticked him off apparently, and he was suddenly able to open his mouth and seemed much more active...tried to feed him, he had no interest in the mouse but really wanted to bite my hand off LOL. I've been doing alot of research and it almost seems like he is maybe shedding?? I'm not sure at all, he is confusing me, please give me some info!! Thanks!!