Xena passed away this evening due to complications associated with old age.
She lived almost as long as the longest recorded captive Storia Dekayi specimen (7 years) she was at least 2 when we found her as she was gravid with 28 babies when caught, on average they reach sexual maturity at age 2. She may very well have been 3, but I cannot be certain.
Our daughter Samantha found her in the meadow behind the house and wanted so badly to keep her, and I gave in and set up my first snake enclosure in our house.
She was my first ever captive snake, the first to give birth in my care, The first specimen of this species to my knowledge to eat a pinky mouse with no scenting, and the whole reason I am even here on reptile forums today.
I found her under her water bowl, she looked peaceful. The only tank I keep in the living room will never be the same.