New scorpions- yellow banded flat rocks
Ok, I'm so excited. My fiance finally broke down and let me get scorpions again. I absolutely love scorpions- think they are so cool. I got a breeding pair of yellow-banded flat rock scorpions (Hadogenes paucidens), and they are settling in really well. Very pretty scorps! I have read up as much as I can on them, and care seems to be pretty similar to the emperor scorpion. But if anyone has any extra pointers, that'd be great. I have them in a 10-gallon tank with cypress mulch and moss as substrate, two cork bark hides, a wide shallow water dish, and a UTH. I mist them down every day to keep humidity up and I have a humidifier in the room. The room they're in is climate controlled to stay between 80-85F.
Dr. Viper