rescued burm & custom cage hubby built
Hubby finally finished with the cage for this guy we took in as a rescue last weekend (a guy I knew died that owned the albino burmese and the yellow anaconda, his wife contacted me, and I took them in--we found a good home within 20miles of us for the anaconda, and he has a lot of reptile experience). The new albino burm was cramped up temporarily in a 55 gal the first week here, but now he has his own 6'x2'x2' custom cage :0)
We also decided to name him "Butterscotch" (we are guessing that the burm is a male, by the large spurs, and long thick tail base-I know not 100% accurate). Butterscotch in an albino burmese at least 10ft long, maybe a little more, and other than a few hisses here and there, seems to be a very good snake, but he does have a lot of scars on his body and head including one right between his eyes on his head, we fed f/t jumbo rats after we got hime home last weekend, and he took no problem, yeah! Have to order some larger frozen feeder food now :0)

First pic is of him "Butterscotch" in 55 gal, then last 3 pics are in his new custom cage, now I just have to go out and get another large cat litter pan, for his water bowl, lol. The house is a large plastic planter upside down with hole cut in for a hide box :0)
Eventually we will have a few 8'x4'x2' cages built for the burms, and RTBs. Have one 8 footer started but never finished, lol, having trouble finding glass we need for the front sliding glass doors, plus it will have to be broke down and re-put back together when we move it upstairs, since it wont go out any of our doors, lol.
2 Burms,1 BP,2 RTB,3 Dumerils,3 KSB,1 CA King,1 Blk Mex King,3 Sinaloan Milks,2 Gopher,1 GTP,1 Honduran Milk,1 WHognose,1 ARB,2 Spotted pythons,1 B&W Tegu,4 Beardeds,2 Uros,1 BTS,2 Leopard/5 Crested Geckos,2 Tiger Sallys, 1 Firebelly Toad,1 Firebelly Newt,2 Whites TF,1 Redear & 2 YellowBelly Sliders,2 Sulcata & 1 Redfoot Torts,2 Rosehair T's