My DH got me an early birthday present today at the Oklahoma City Herp Show--a gorgeous Buckskin Honduran Milk Snake produced by Norm Damm from BRBReptiles. These are an unusual morph with black diamond shapes in two of the buckskin bands--see a pic of the snake DH bought me here:
Honduran Milk Snakes - BRB Reptiles
Of course, when we got him home and I started to show him to my son and put him in the enclosure we'd prepared, he bit the H*** out of me. He was totally stressed. First was strike and instant release--I'm sure he was hoping the giant predator would drop him in reaction. Unfortunately for him, that didn't work, so he struck again and basically shook his head like a dog shaking a rope when play tug-of-war . . . but I still didn't let go, just released him into a hide in the enclosure. Then he let go.
Thank goodness it was only a milk snake biting me and not something bigger!
I'm happy--now I have a diurnal snake again! Hooray!