Alright, My ball python is almost 2 years old, just bought him roughly a week ago. The breeder said he eats small live rats so I went and bought a rat.
The issue: he isn't eating. I will be buying a digital thermometer for the basking area and cool end shortly as well as a digital hydrometer.
Right now I just use the digital one I have to check each area manually.
The damp towel seems to be needed to keep the humidity up, any other suggestions? His "humidity box" right now is a small rubbermaid with a hole cut in the top of the lid for him to go into. It has about an inch of water and place directly under the light and on top of the heat tape under the tank.
He's very friendly & during the day I cover the glass with towels to keep it dark in his cage. I handle him about 30 min a day around 10pm when he wakes up, I have tried feeding him before and after handling him (3 tries so far).
Any suggestions please?
The rat:
Click for High-Def Image of Rat
The snake:
Click for High-Def image of Snake's Eyes (shed incoming?)
The enclosure:
Close-up of enclosure:
Cool Hide inside
Left View
Right View
Cool Hide
Warm Hide
Humidity Box
Water Dish