Originally Posted by Coy
plenty of long time keepers do not agree with that.
The average life span of the exanthematicus in captivity would disagree with plenty of "long time keepers".
Originally Posted by Boostedneon04
how did i know you were going to bring up the humidity??
Because he's in an aquarium.
Originally Posted by Boostedneon04
ive been keeping monitors a long time and the top of the tank is covered and the substrate is always moist..
It's a band-aided situation that doesn't allow for a proper humidity gradient.
Originally Posted by Boostedneon04
the answer to all that is no. your just assuming.
If you have been keeping monitors as long as you have, why are you so surprised that you are being questioned after posting photos of an albig eating raw turkey, living in an aquarium?
Originally Posted by Boostedneon04
they both are fed mice,crickets,roaches,ground turkey with vitamins with egg shells. so no they are not just fed ground turkey..
I just don't understand why it's so difficult for everyone to feed their monitors whole prey items. Is it an expense thing?