hello, and Greetings from beautiful Nicola Valley BC Canada, I live on a cattle ranch, so I am a bit of an oddity in these here parts. I believe I am the ONLY herper in the area and township, so find myself seeking out a camraderie, of like minds. I have an ever growing menagerie of reps and arachnids. My family consists of 2 tegu's 1 red, and 1 B&W, 1 classic Corn snake, 1 beardie, 2 bibron gecko's, 2 green iguana's, 2 Emperor Scorps, 1 giant white knee tarantula, 1 chilean rose hair tarantula, 1 quaterhorse, two dogs rottie & shephard cross, two cats, three budgies, and 2 rats. and a flock of laying hens. I work full time, Read alot and many other various activities I partake in. I just must say this, the more ppl I meet the more I like my critters. you can view my family photo's @
critterlover67 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Thank you for reading my spiel.