Blood not eating need help!
Well its been two weeks and a day since my female sumatran blood python ate. Everything is good though and most of you have seen pictures of my cage the humidity is 80% temp is 88. She has hides all around one in the cool side of the cage and and one on the warm side, she also had news paper shavings to burrow under(she is always burrowed under them). The strangest thing happened today when i went to get her out and started to see if anything was wrong with her she do that puffing thing and this time some watery muecus came out. I dont think it was anything serious looked like muecus mixed with water. So I guess she coffed up some water or something. Last night I put the rat in one of her hides then turned out all the lights(no noise no nothing) and today when I went to check the mouse was still in the cage not eaten. I gave yall all the info I have wut is up?