While there is obviously a difference in opinions here, I agree that while snakes can take a lot of food, often, especially when young, there is no need. A pinkie every 5 days is a bit on the slim side, but not on the negligeable side IMO.
With that said though, the snakes problem of constipation may be related to the feeding schedule and a change in pattern and size of prey may help tremendously. You mentioned you're about to switch to a larger size, well, try a good size prey item weekly or every 10 days. This will make the guts work, and also give them a time for rest.
As per the vet; enemas and manipulation is often needed to help snakes void , well, snakes with this problem anyways. I hope sedation was used...
The idea for additional fibre is lacking without any suggestions along with it. I think this is a case for the vet knowing what may help, but not correlating dog versus snake knowledge. The suggestion was based on a "it could only help" theory, which is not a bad thing when coming from an otherwise knowledgeable person.