Will NOT eat rats!
I have a female Bp, about 1 1/2 old, who just recently came off a 4-5 month hunger strike.I tried everything that was suggested for bp's that won't eat, mostly from ppl on this site, and after NOTHING worked I finally happened one night to defrost a mouse for my cornsnake, and she wouldn't eat, so just on a whim I put it in my female bp's enclosure. She immediatly grabbed it, and I was thrilled, ut now she won't eat anything but, and I can rarely get her to eat more then one mouse per feeding. The result is she's eating weekly, but not nearly as big a meal as she should be getting, and I'm worried. Any suggestions for getting her off mice and onto rats? My male bp eats the correct sized rats weekly, but she just won't take to them, and I can't feed her tiny little mice for the rest of her life!
(I have already tried defrosting the rat, in a bag of used mouse bedding, with another mouse in the bag, and even that doesn't work)
"Before you insult someone, first walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have there shoes!"
1.0 Regular Ball "Joey" (living with my friend now!)
1.0 Het Burgundy Ball "Cobalt"
0.1 Het Burgundy Ball "Lady"
(unproven line)
0.1 Amel Cornsnake "Candy"
0.1 Ridge-Tailed Monitor "Pebbles"
1.0 Adult Veiled Chameleon "Rick James (B*tch!)"
1.0 Lepard Gecko "Captain Geeko"
1.1 Crocodile Skinks "Mickey and Mallory Knox"