Common Boa
Before I decide to get a Common Boa how big of a cage would i need for a 4ft. Was it 4x2x2 for an adult, cant remember??? I was thinking about a columbian before i got my rosy boas but the rosies gave me some space as well as some extra money. Theres one in the petshop and I have been looking at it and I know i shouldnt buy from a petstore but..... Its pulling me towards it.... I would of course have it checked out and if something was wrong bring it back to them and ask them to either take it back or pay for the vet bill, if any. Can anyone give me some tips?
0.2 Leopard Geckos,
0.0.1 Sudan Plated Lizards
0.1.2 Tokay Geckos
0.0.2 Corn Snakes (Bliz and Firestorm)
1.1 Rosy Boas