Trying to trade in snakes
Well, I decided to down size my collection a little. I'm going to the local pet store and I want to fine out what my animals are worth before I go in and trade them. Kinda like looking at kelly blue book before going to a car dealership. So any info you guys have would be nice.
1.1 Smooth Scale Sand Boas Proven Breeders(about 6 years old)
0.2 Rough Scale Sand Boas (one is about 2 years old and the other about a year)
1.0 Russian Sand Boa (my guess is about a year old)
0.0.1 Pacman Frog (about a year and a half old)
0.0.2 Sulcatas(about 3 years old but only about 4 inches long)
0.1 Kenyan Sand boa(about 2 years old but only 8 inches long. When I got her she wasn't eating so I believe her growth was stunted)
Thanks in advance