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Old 05-18-05, 10:17 PM   #11
SHvar's Avatar
Join Date: Sep-2003
Location: central PA
Posts: 225
Actually its been said many times by...

Those who study, have studied, or do so that they do not multiclutch, its not normal and that in captivity if they are its because they are being turned into something they arent supposed to be.
Im not naming names, but it has been argued in those words by a few so many times, also that they are not supposed to multiclutch at all.
That is why I made the comment. On CD Im sure I have quotes from individuals saying this many times. Thats not the point though.
Im not worried about either side of the arguement, but I know what was said about multiclutching, and I know it happens, also I know that FR produces many many beautiful monitors and has done so beyond anyone else with the species he works with. There are many people breeding monitors now, but to say he doesnt know what hes talking about and that he lies and evades questions is wrong. He gives straight answers, all it takes is to ask him. I found myself over a few years that if you drop any attitude and not turn it into an insult exchange you can get a ton of great info on monitors from him. His delivery method isnt the smoothest when responding sometimes but then again everyone gets into misunderstood arguements. Ive decided since I have less time now to post on forums that Im staying away from "bated, or loaded" posts aimed to start arguements and posts from those blowing off steam about others because they felt as if they were insulted by a post or responce made by someone else. Yes, he produces alot of reptiles that are inbred or closely related but this does happen in nature, I know from herping here in Pennsylvania and other states on the east coast that almost all reptiles here live in areas that are isolated from each other (local populations), they are different by color or pattern and do not travel to mate with other populations unless there is a reason to leave their home area usually for good. This produces inbreds and does so probably in every area of the world. Some species may and do travel to den up but not as far as some people think, they just dont realize how many are actually in an area. This explains why WTs all over Africa are a complete different color or pattern from one area to the next only miles apart, they breed to familiar populations in many cases and it keeps these differences the way they are. Its not always what happens, but it obviously does alot.
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