My first clutch of eggs were in 2 boxes. In one of the box there was dehydration but was able to save that one egg that has collasped. All the eggs in that box is fine. In my second box another egg has been dehydrated and has sunken in pretty deep. Tried to save it but a week later it started to mold and it was clear that the egg has died.
For experience purpose and learn purposes I opened the egg to see if the egg has started to develop. It certainly had. The other eggs right now are fine and they are due to hatch day I can tell. Eggs have doubled in size. All they need to do is sweat for me so I can stop worrying.
here are 2 pictures of the disection.
NOTE:*I was 110% sure it was dead and there was no way it could have been saved, the picture does show dehydation happening*