i agree, I wouldn't leave it out for 10hrs.
Use HOT tap water (with mouse in baggie) and let it thaw in there, then once thawed replace now cool water with hot water and warm up the mouse.
I USED to microwave a cup/bowl of water for like 6-8 minutes, then put the mouse in and weigh it down with a coffee cup, it was usually thawed in a few minutses and nice and warm, you might have to let it cool a bit before giving to your snake though.
Also it never takes a small mouse 10hrs to defrost, I leave a small mouse out on the counter for like an hour and it's usually completely defrosted (then again my house is like 78-80 degrees, lol).
The Mischief:
Neptune, Zion, Enigma,
Mischief~ Hamster