Whatever you do, DON'T rent "13 Seconds"!
A word to the wise, whatever you do, DO NOT rent the horror movie "13 Seconds". It is by far thee worst movie I have ever seen hands down. I am not exaggerating at all. If anything I am underexaggerating. I figured it had to be alright because there was 8 copies of it and it won 4 awards. Boy was I wrong. The only awards I could ever see this movie winning are; Worst Acting of All Time Award, S#!tt!est Movie of All Time Award, Worst Special Effects of All Time Award, and last but not least, The Pity Award because the judges felt so damn bad for them. I honestly can't believe how bad this movie is. In a way I want to recommend seeing it for yourself so you see what I mean, but I'm not that cruel. I like alot of cheezy movies, but this one is waaay beyond cheezy. I give it two fingers up.
1.4 Surinam(e) Bcc, 7.17 Ball Pythons, 2.6 Solomon Island Ground Boas, 2.2 Cornsnakes, 1.1 Colombian Bci, 1.2 Veiled Chameleons, 0.1 Uroplatus Sikorae, & lots of other creatures!!!
"Nevermind tomorrow, I'm not promised today"-innocent bystander :medtoothy