Major Boa Agression
I purchased my male boa last night from a local breeder. He is about 4 and half feet long. Any way the first night he was fine. Had him out crawling over me and showing no signs of agression. However this morning i picked him up held him for a min or two while changing his cage and fixing his hide, put him back and he was fine once again. I left the room for no more then 30 mins and retured to an exceptionaly agressive snake. As soon as i walked in the room WHAM at the glass ( and did this for a couple of hours striking at anything that moved in front of the tank ). He has settled down a bit but tenses up every time I approach the tank. His mouth is inflated and his tail is twitching ( is this normal ? ). Is this a sign that he will always be very agressive or "snap" once in a while, as i have smaller kids in the house and i would much prefer a more docile snake
Please help!!