any ideas?
I have a 10gal that im not usin and kind of want to setup something in the way of a feeder that would breed just for interests sake more than anything, i was thinking silkies because my leos love them but from what i can find i need to order special food, which is expensive, i dont need to do crix, thinking maybe mealies or roaches or somin, any ideas, i wantsomething where all cycles can live in the tank, not need to seperate each stage
1.0.0 amazon tree boa 0.2.0 leopard geckos, 1.2.0 steudners dwarf geckos, 1.1.5 trance geckos, 0.0.1 green anole, 0.0.1 longtail grass lizard, 1.1.0 green tree frogs, 0.0.1 rice paddy frog, 0.0.2 whites tree frogs, 1.0.0 betta, 8 giant land snails