Thought this was interesting to get a few photos before I hand over these shed skins to my nephew for show and tell at his school. It' s always a good thing to teach the youth about animals and reptiles and my passion for constrictors. We had him over yesturday and he was asking questions like he was working for CNN to get ready to show these skins and teach his classmates about constrictors. Being 5 years old and fearless he has taught have my family to not be fearful of snakes through his knowledge and fearless attitude. Well below are all the saved skins of boas that I am either breeding or getting to breed this year as well as some recent sheds from sub-adult boas.
Shed skins range from 9.5 feet to 2 feet, the 9.5 foot skin is from a 7 foot boa breeder now.
Sorry not the best quality photos but you get the idea.
Thanks for viewing.
Please stay on topic.
Tony Pharosx