The Latest On Mirchie..
hey everyone..
well..remember when he had a regurge last week.. well since then i've turned up his temps to 80-85, i've given him more space to hide, he's shed, and he's also gotten pretty used to his new house.
so yesterday i had to take him out for a second to change his i picked up the tree he was hiding in with him in it. while he was out he was pretty active.. climbin in and out of the i decided since he's not as stressed..and seems to be doin better why not try to offer a pinky. so i did. before i could even put the pinky down..he snatched the little bugger right out of my hand and pulled in into the i guess he was just REALLY REALLY hungry.
well after he finished eating i put him(still in the tree) back into his tank. i covered it..and made sure the temps stayed at 80-85. oh..and i also had my fingers crossed..really tight.
well today i kind of peeked in and saw a lot of poopoo in
i swear i've never been so happy to see animal waste!
so it seems like Mirchie is doing better..and i thought i'd let u all know.
thanks for all of ur help and info when i had the whole regurge issue! i appreciate it!!