Rubbermaid question
I've read on here a few people say that rubbermaids are the best thing for cresties and I wan't too put a pair of my juvenile females in a 30 gallon tall. How many holes would you reccomend putting into it and by which method? I have a similar question on the corn snake forum. I'm not a fan of rubbermaids at all but I want to do some experimenting of my own because if I see that if they strive just as well or better in a rubbermaid than they do in tanks why spends 100's and 100's on tanks a year when rubbermaids save you money.
Don't get me wrong I'm not cheap when it comes to reptiles by any means but it's like spending $50.00 on a spatula when you can get an equally good one for $3.00
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog