im curious why you'd say human scales are not accurate to weigh snakes?
as i stated i weigh my self and then i weigh my self with the snake and subtract the difference. sure im not gonna get down to grams or ounces but when dealing with boa's im only interested in the pounds.
and i never showed annoyance in my other post as i stated over there i would love it for someone to show me how i too can tell the tone of some ones typing. people like to assume there is too much attitude in the way we type. i had waited i think what was it 15 hours b4 i challenged someone else to answer that was all it was i asked a question and was looking for an answer was all there was no attitude or annoyance there. there was no annoyance with the way deviled typed other than i didnt understand what he was saying. seems to me you were reading more into something that wasnt there