mites and ticks
I visited a local pet store and noticed there are mites and/or ticks on the iggys. I told them about it and they asked me how to handle the situation. they dont sell any products to deal with ticks and / or mites and I have never personally had a mite / tick prob with my animals. I told them I would get back to them and see what I could find. Its kinda a learning experience for me to.
When I inspected their older iguana for sale the parasites were bright red and black specs. I only know they were there because I caught them moving around. I have heard there is a huge difference between mites and ticks so I don't know which one I should be looking into treating. The parasites were mostly located around the ears, eyes, top of the head, and around the base of the arms and legs
any resources, ideas, or tips would be appreciated
in the meantime I am going to browse the internet
thanksf or any help