Packing snakes for a move? Suggestions??
In the middle of January we will be moving our collection of brumating colubrids to Saskatchwan - crazy I know!! I have a couple options for how to transport them and would like opinions on what would be best.
They will be in transit 2 days and temporary accomodations for 3 days - I have no problem maintaining proper temperature at about 55 degrees for the time period but am wondering about how to best house them.
1. Leave everyone in their brumation rubbermaid, remove water dish, fill space with crumpled paper and hope they don't slide around too much during driving. Replace water for 3 day stop-over.
2. Bag everyone, pack beside each other with multiple snakes per tub during the driving sessions (3-7 hours each). Remove from bags and return to their full size tubs with water during 3 day stop-over.
3. Bag everyone, leave in bags for the full 5 days until in permanent home - then return to rubbermaid and provide water.
I hate to leave them without access to water and space to stretch out for 3 days in temporary home, but also think that bagging them, unbagging them and bagging them again would likely be more stressful when they are brumating.
I have been leaning toward option 1, but it may require rental of a second vehicle because of the space required for all the tubs and I do worry about them sliding around in the tub.
Anyone dealt with this before - any other suggestions?? How long would you consider leaving a brumating cornsnake or milksnake bagged if the temporary accomodation time had to be extended ??
thanks for any ideas,
mary v.