12-15-04, 03:21 PM
Join Date: Jun-2003
Posts: 2,657
Boas - Pythons very informative books to check into.
Hi there folks:
A while back I posted a photo on Boa books of interest to help a fellow member get a head start on information on them. So I looked through my collection of books and found I can do a better post of that information including pythons as well. Since this is about boids mostly boas I put this post here.
This is our collection of informative and useful books we collected over the years aside from internet information and contacts with breeders and the forums.
Listing the books and video from top left - right and each level:
01. Pythons of Australia, a natual history - Geordie Torr
02. The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas - Richard A. Ross M.D.
03. The Living Boas, a complete guide to the boas of the world - Jerry G. Walls
04. Boas, a complete pet owner' s manual - Doug Wagner
05. Pythons, a complete pet owner' s manual - Patricia Barlett
06. The Green Tree Python & Emerald Tree Boa - Kirschner & Seufer Verlag
07. The Boa Constrictor Manual - Philippe de Vosjoli
08. What' s Wrong With My Snake? - John Rossi D.V.M., M.A.
09. The Guide to Owning a Red Tailed Boa - Glen Drewnowski
10. The Guide to Owning Tree Boas and Tree Pythons - Tom Mazorlig
11. The Complete Chondro - Greg Maxwell
12. All About Boa Constrictors VIDEO - Tracy and Dave Barker and Rich Ihle
If you looking for useful information check your local library or book stores and pick these up as well as internet.
Tony Pharosx
Last edited by BOAS_N_PYTHONS; 02-23-05 at 02:21 PM..