which small monitor is the best?
What do you guys think about it? I've been looking small monitors pics for a while now and i'm always amazed of how interesting their group interactions and behaviors are!!! Actually, these pics are very rare but stil... What do you guys think is the best small monitor ( under 24'' )??? I'm looking for something mostly desertic though if there are some tropical species which i haven't heard of, i don't really mind! The ideal small monitor i would be looking for would be kept with the maximum ratio of meat in it's diet ( i'm pretty sceptical for the feeding cricket thing... ). I have in mind something like a black headed monitor ( varanus tristis tristis ) or something else... What do you guys think?
1.1 BCI, 0.1.1 ETB, 0.1 Dumeril's Boa, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor, 1.0 Diamond x JCP, 0.0.5 Lithobius Forficatus, tons of Rats, Dog and Cat.