NO!! my lizzie....
I am going to be getting a beardie soon for my fifty gal. terrarium. However, currently residing in it is my brown anole--from tip to tail, a three inch long absolutely gorgeous baby male. He is dark mottled brown in coloration with a cream stripe running down his back, delicate black patterning, and a shockingly white throat with dark dotted lines running down it. He loves it in the fifty, though he mainly stays in the right-hand half of it beneath the UV light.
My problem?
Well, in order to get my beardie, I have to get rid of my anole. At first, it was gonna be easy--if anything, he was a nuisance that I didn't have room for. But the longer I've had him, the more he's grown on me--and now I can't stand to part with him!!! He's my BABY!!! But I can't have another cage in my room. And I want that beardie. But I don't wanna get rid of him. Especially not to some stranger who probably won't know diddly-squat and keep him in a stupid 5 gal. without a light and forget to feed him and and and and....I think I'm gonna cry WAAAAAAAAH!!!!
anybody got ANY ideas on how I could possibly might be able to just maybe I hope I hope keep him?
The greatest danger to mankind is mankind.