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Old 11-10-02, 03:52 AM   #1
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GTP questions

Ok, Here is the deal. After christmas I will be buying a pair of Green tree python. I want to purchase yearlings so I'm aware of their sex and I want to purchase a locality that is know for being docile. I know that Locality wont mean docile but from what I've read and have been told that biak tend to be more agressive. So I was just curious if anyone is aware of what localitys tend to be more docile.

Ok, How much should one yearling GTP cost me.
What do you guys think are the best localitys to own for temperment and beauty. (looks before temperment in my case I don't have any real interest in handling them)
And do you guys know of any reputable breeders in the US that sells GTP yearlings.

I know I will probably have to search around for yearlings but I'm willing to invest the time and money on them so that I can get what I want. Anyways tell me everything you guys know and if you want to include pictures of your babys I would love to see them.

Thanks for your help guys.
Snakes? I just like to teraform!
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