ok time for a bit of education here on pitties,
first off, this dog was orginally designed for bear baiting! you got it people to hunt bears, and after a law that was passed in britain to ban hunting of bears, people turned to pit fights, putting one pitty against another, and im sorry these dogs were not bred for aggression, they were bred for their endurance, their "gameness" for those of you whom don't understand it's their ability to keep going in a fight, regardless of the fact they may be mortally wounded (ie. internal organs dragging behind them). Now in regards to their aggression...this is nonsence these dogs were selectively bred so that agression would NOT be a problem. to prove this point, during pit fights if the opposite owner couldn't handle the others pittbull, it was immediately put down, and the same goes for breeding, if say a male pitty bit their owner, or anyone else, it, along with all of its pups were also immediately destroyed. (keep in mind this type of selective breeding stopped about 30 years ago) the problem with the breed today is these "backyard breeders" who think it's cool to have a "tuff" dog. and anyone who labels this breed as agressive...well your about as well informed as a kindergarten kid, go do the research on this breeds history, cause to date their isn't a breed out their that can claim the title of "loyal till death" like the American PittBull Terrier can...
sorry if i came off rude to anyone, im just sick and tired of this breed being bashed, do the research before you judge!
"Proud Owner Of A PureBred "Game" American PitBull Terrier"