Well I was out visiting my G/F today and I came across a local pet store, and in the back they had a little Black Throat Monitor. His cage was a total mess and it was like 3 sizes too small

he is about 1.5 to 2 feet long and they had him in a 10 gallon thank!!!!!!! It looked like they hadn't cleaned his cage in ages and god was he skinny.... So doing my best to stay calm I called over the person working and tore a strip off him

anyways after about 15 mins of me tellin him how horendous this set up was he just didn't care, all he said was it was mean and no one wanted to tough him. So I just opened the cage and he wasn't mean just really hungry you know how monitors get when ya open thier cage and are hungry

. So I ended up buying him (I call it him cuz I donno all monitors are male to me lol) and ways I got him for $200 on my credit card ugh gonna pay for that later but I just felt so sorry for him. When I got him home I cleaned him up got all that filth off him and he doesn't look half bad justa little kinking in the tail but oh well. Now he is in a 50 gallon set up with a large enough water dish to soak and all that good stuff

he also ate a Fuzzy Rat cuz I didn't have any crickets on me. Anyways I will try and post pics asap, well I finally got my White/Black Throat Monitor.
I also got a question what is the difference between White and Black Throat's?