Why albinos are ugly. *pic*
Just take a look at this picture and you will know why albinos are simply the most hideous of the corn morphs.
This is April, amel zigzag produced by Crimsonking. Thanks for nothing Mark!
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/aprilface2.jpg">
The sweet soulful eye will trick you, but do not let her trick you! Take a look at the red on white action. Horribly NASTY!
And this one! So orange and red, you can't even see the darn pattern!! What's the point?! Her name is Strawberry.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/strawberry1.jpg">
This one's a freebie pic of a snake I actually like! Her name is Angel. A good luck charm. She's kinked and was given to me instead of going into a freezer.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Corns/snowaztec3.jpg">