Anery A
I've seen pics of adult Anery A's, but what do the babies look like? I know someone who has an Anery A on hold with a breeder, but he says it is just black and white - no grey, yellow, etc. Do they start out this way and then pick up the grey, yellow, etc? Or will the little guy maintain just the black and white when it gets older?
1.0 Ball Python "Aragorn", 1.0 Bredl's Carpet Python "Strider"
1.0 Kenyan Sand Boa "Gimli", 1.0 Saharan Sand Boa "Frodo"
1.0 Mexican Black King "Indigo", 0.1 California King "Gentoo", 1.0 Snow Corn "Chile", 0.1 Okeetee Corn "Amazon"
1.0 Crested Gecko "Willow", 0.1 IJ Blue-Tongued Skink "Phoebe", 1.0 Indonesian Blue-Tongued Skink "Cole"