Here's the story.
Bought this guy about a year ago.
Purchased as a Blue Nosybe Panther.
All along, I found that the blue wasn't coming out so I ocasionaly emailed pics to the breeder asking if there was a mistake when it was sold.
Breeder never said it was impossible, but it's something that never happend in the past.
Some friends tell me he's a cross and for sure not a pure blue. (breeder does breed more than 1 local of panthers)
Breeder tell me it might be because he's cold, might be the type of UVB I use, tells me he lookes stressed... etc...
It's starting to sound like BS to me.. Please tell me what you think.
I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
I bought a blue Nosybe female to go with him and if he's not a pure blue, my project is down the drain.
Here are the pics