Snake Bit What?
Hey, I'm a new snake owner. I have aquired a five year old male ball python from a friend who could not keep him anymore. I took him home yesterday and everything was fine until I tried to feed him. I thumped the mouse and dropped him in the cage. The mouse then wondered into the snakes water bowl. Even though the snake was eyeballing the now ******** mouse having a spasm in his water bowl. I thought that he wouldn't eat it unless it was out of the bowl. So I reached down into the cage to drag the mouse out of the water bowl and was bitten sharply by my new friend. My question is: Now that he has tasted my thumb, will he believe that I am food from now on? Or was I wrong by reaching down into the cage while there was a mouse in there? Ultimately he ate the mouse and I was able to pick him up twice today with no problem. But now I am afraid that he will turn on me again when I try to feed him next. Any suggestions? Please help.