Finally on day 16 post shed, the great plains ratsnake we bred to one of our creamsicles laid her first clutch. Reading that GPR eggs are bigger than corn eggs does nothing to prepare you for how HUGE they are! She only had 10, most look to be fertile though there are some shell irregularities (bumps and ridges). Mom is doing fine, and hopefully in August we will have some 'rootbeers'.
Just had to share pics of these eggs - they are at least the size of cal king or hondo eggs
Mom with clutch
Clutch of 10
Corn clutch in same size incubation tub for comparison - this shot is much closer zoom, but the white racks are the same dimensions
The GPR mom pre-breeding - she looks like a corn, and breeds with a corn, but I am now more convinced the new classification that separates these species is right - sure have bigger eggs!
And yes Mousekilla - some of these have your name on them!
mary v.