Hey Guys! I just recently purchased my first snake ~ A spotted python and I love it! I named it Rocky. It seems healthy, very active, and no problems with meals. But I do have some questions to ask b/c I don't think that where I bought it from answered all of mine or properly.
Anyways...I was told that my snake was about 6 months old. So size-wise, how big should it be? It is about a little bigger than a foot now. How big is it going to get? I read roughly 3 feet in length before I purchased it...is that right? Also, I have a 30 gallon terrarium for it...is that going to be big enough when it is full grown? The pet store said it would be sufficient enough.

I don't want sufficient though...I want my SP to be happy. Anyways...Any help what so ever is greatly appreciated!