Hi everyone....
I have a friend from NZ coming down to visit in a couple of months, and I get to christen her to snakes and lizards
Most are illegal there, and she's never touched or seen most of what I have.
Anyways, as a special present I am making her up a collage of sheds....ALL types of sheds I can get my hands on.
I have leopard gecko's, dragons, and some boa's and a corn.
But am looking for sheds from other reptiles, as well as good shed pieces from any snake or lizard. I would love some bigger sheds ( 5ft snakes or more ), any full size shed, etc.
I'd be willing to send a SASE to you to send them to me if you want to go that route.....
I would really appreciate any help you can give.
an example of a good shed piece: My iguana shed a good chunk of her belly in one piece....her markings on it as well
I have little pieces from baby dragons too.
anything would be appreciated....
PM me here, or email me if you'd be willing to help out.
Thanks in advance.