He's Here
Hi all I just got home from the hospital a new father of a healthy baby boy(Jaden Alex) after a very long 36 hours. I am SO proud of my girl she did awesome. Anyways here are a couple pics of Jaden less than a half hour old.
[IMG] ![](http://img29.photobucket.com/albums/v88/Foman/DSC01478.jpg) [/IMG]
[IMG] ![](http://img29.photobucket.com/albums/v88/Foman/DSC01482.jpg) [/IMG]
Thanx4lookin' I'm going to bed.
Cal kingsnake, Ball pythons, BCC's,Colombian redtail boas,Hog island boas, Brazilian rainbow boas,Ksb, Mbk's, Jcp's,Gtp, Borneo blood pythons, Hognose,sinaloan milks,greybanded kings,Bearded dragons, Pitbull&Boxer,Piranhas&Oscars.
Girlfriends just don't understand.