All i have left to do is line the bottom with a rubber sort of material so that when the water drips down it doesnt rot the wood. Im not to worried about the sides, since someone told me they havnt sealed their wood and have no probs. The bottem and top is sealed but the sides arnt. Im really liking the new tank and cant wait to get the cham in.
Here it is, thanks for looking!

this is the bottom. The pieces that go up on the sides to hold the mesh will also be used to create the square bowl shape for the rubber lining. This will make it 100 percent water proof.

I dont need to use any substrate right? Can i just put the ficus in with the platic pot, he will never come down anyway right? Thats what all the caresheets have told me..what works best for you guys? and if i should, what substrate..just mulch?